Faith. Hope. Love. Action.

United Methodist Women is now United Women in Faith! The move is part of a refreshing of the organization that includes a new logo and an array of new and improved programs to nurture current members and welcome new women to join to put their love in action on behalf of women, children, and youth. The changes are designed to address the different needs and life stages of current members and new women and expand options for membership and engagement.

United Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is:

  • To know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ
  • To develop a creative, supportive fellowship
  • To expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

At Saint Paul UMC, the United Methodist Women unit includes over 100 active members in various groups. Learn more about UWIF (UMW) at Saint Paul and globally below!

Get Involved

Unit Meetings
Saint Paul UWIF meet as a unit September through May. These Unit Meetings are open to all women and include Interesting programs, usually with outside speakers, which address a variety of timely topics. To accommodate various schedules, meetings are held Wednesday mornings, Saturday mornings, or evenings.

Group Meetings
Women are invited to attend any meeting of any group. Sometimes referred to as “circles”, each of these groups is a place to find welcoming women and to grow spiritually. 

  • Group 1: Meets the third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in Paine Parlor. The group is mission-oriented with hands-on projects and diverse programs. New members and visitors are welcome.
  • Group 36: Meets the third Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m. in Room 155. Programs focus on community agencies, and the group supports a church mission project at each meeting.
  • Wesley Group: Meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 11:45 a.m. in the Dining Room. Programs include book studies, speakers, and mission outreach.
  • Turn the Page: This group meets the first Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. The group reviews 5 UMW Reading Program books and 5 books selected by the group. Mary Starr is the group facilitator, and discussion leaders are volunteers from the group. New members and visitors are always welcome. 

UWIF at Saint Paul UMC


Thousands of women participate in our reading programs and educational opportunities annually to grow spiritually, become more deeply rooted in Christ, and put faith into action.


Our members give out of their love for the world and provide financial support for national mission institutions, higher education scholarships for international students, and 121 programs taking place in 110 countries.


Our national mission institutions empower women, care for children, educate and equip youth, care for the neglected, advocate for social justice issues, create economic opportunities, and strengthen neighborhoods.

In Action

United Methodist Women members’ voices are heard around the world as they call for justice on issues such as immigration, human trafficking, domestic violence, health care, and the environment.

Contact Saint Paul UMW