Youth Ministries
Saint Paul Youth will have multiple opportunities to meet throughout the week during the school year. Sunday morning Faith Formation classes are at 11 a.m. and Wednesday evening Youth Group meets at 5 p.m. for dinner and 5:50 p.m. for activities. Additional events will be held throughout the year including game nights, service opportunities, and retreats. We gather at Saint Paul UMC (1144 M Street) in the Youth Room located in the West Tower (Room 205/206).
Here at Saint Paul UMC, we strive to affirm the worth of every person as a beloved child of God. We develop tools and skills that lead to healthy relationships with our faith and our community. We will answer any question you have and talk about topics that matter both in and beyond the Church.
Additional Information
Sometime during adolescence, youth are given the opportunity to make their own claims regarding their faith. We call this Confirmation. Before making a personal response of Christian faith, youth explore what that means through classes, discussions and activities. This year, Confirmation activities will take place on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Any youth in 6-12 grade who has not yet been confirmed is welcome to participate. We will have a parent meeting on August 18, 2024 at 11 a.m. to discuss Sunday School, Youth Group and Confirmation. We hope you join us!
Saint Paul Youth Group recently went on a mission trip to the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation. The group was hosted by Next Step Ministries in Eagle Butte, SD. A summary of their trip is coming soon!
Pastor Ed Ostlund
Ed Ostlund is from Papillion, Nebraska, where he attended St. Paul’s United Methodist Church for most of his life. He was very involved at the church, volunteering with youth group, mission trips, and teaching confirmation. His plan was always to become a pastor, but when the religious studies program at UNO was discontinued, he made a radical change of direction and pursued a career in culinary arts. He worked as a chef for the next several years. After meeting his wife, Ed felt the call to return to the church. As he began the process of becoming a pastor within the UMC, he also began working as the Youth and Community Engagement Coordinator at Waverly First United Methodist Church. Ed came to Saint Paul United Methodist Church in 2023 as the Associate Pastor for Campus Ministry. In July, he stepped into the role of Youth Pastor as well. Ed has an Associate Degree in Youth Ministry from Tabor College and serves as the Regional Youth Coordinator for the Great Plains Conference. Ed loves working with young people. It is his goal to affirm them as children of God, promote their voices in our congregation, and connect their gifts to the larger church here at Saint Paul UMC and in the Great Plains Conference.