
Current Newsletter

Communication Opportunities

Effective communication is the foundation of an amazing church community. Beyond communicating within the church leadership and congregation, Saint Paul aims to to communicate with the surrounding community to coordinate events, promote a positive message and engage new church-goers. Communication is also a great way to call people into ministry and turn ideas into action. I invite you all to take part in the conversations happening at Saint Paul!

  • If you have a class, volunteer opportunity, or any other announcement you would like to share with the church, please submit a promotion request at
  • Subscribe and read our weekly email updates. Sign-up here
  • Follow Saint Paul UMC on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • We would also love to share your group and event photos with the Saint Paul family. Please take photos and send them to to share with our audience via our Weekly Connect emails and social media pages.
  • If you have questions, comments or concerns about communications at Saint Paul, contact Whitney Brisso at

Our Brand

Our Vision is expressed through our new logo. The initials for Saint Paul, SP, weave together forming an infinity symbol which reflects the infinite God which holds all of us together as one. The colors allude to the flame image of God’s Spirit, Divine Energy, enlivening our days. They also harken to the flames of the United Methodist Church. The colors are reflective of our historic building which honors our strong tradition while moving us towards God’s future.